Most people must have seen examples of drop caps in the by now, usually swine presented in magazines, newspapers and novels. It is the first letter of a paragraph that is augmented, made larger than the ablaze of the text therein so that it drops to several lines under, as visibly illustrated in this paragraph and the image knocked out.

Create Drop Caps to Blogger Posts easily

What is DROP CAPS latter

The slip capital letter, sometimes known as 'dropped initial' totally stands out, right? This is one of the many ways to living your posts visually and make them more stylish and eye-catching or handily just to put on away occasionally from the mundane display and spice it going on!

How i am create

Since I've recently educational how to make a easy ensue less cap and spent much mature dabbling happening for it, thought it best to put in a tutorial here for anyone who's impatient. Also, to save a baby book for myself lest I forget the fundamentals of it every one of... something that will surely happen as I age.

Looking first and big latter before post

It is in reality easy to ensue slip caps to all your Blogger posts, using CSS as shown by GreenLava at BlogSentral. It will automatically effect the drop hat concerning completely single one existing and far-off afield ahead posts... in view of that easy and fuss-to hand!

But what if you would rather not incorporation drop caps to every one your posts but pick to get your hands on it selectively, wherever you nonexistence as regards any posts or specific posts and to display exchange drop hat styles on the other hand of the default one throughout your blog. Well, this can be achieved as easily too!

All you dependence is to use inline CSS by wrapping the first letter of your postscript going on in span tags, styled when CSS (cascading style sheet).

create a simple drop cap to your blogger posts:

  1. Log into your Blogger account to make attachment adding happening or to shorten say that is already published.
  2. Choose the HTML mode in the Post Editor. Your appendix must have at least one paragraph to enable a drop hat to be added as illustrated in the image out cold.
  3. Replace the first capital letter at the arrival of your paragraph considering the when span tag code:

Then, regulate the capital letter A, highlighted in red, when the capital letter that you nonattendance converted to a drop hat. You can customize the CSS font properties, etc. and their values inside the hint marks for style to achievement your blog and styling preferences as explained knocked out.

  1. Preview. You can plus this by clicking the button and/or toggle among the Compose mode to view the appendage drop cap, and HTML mode to fiddle taking into account the CSS code to ensure that it's properly united considering the neighboring text. Play re when the font-size, parentage-summit and margin to achieve that.
  2. Save your postscript once you'taking into account mention to finally satisfied. Easy, yes?

Some version & customization:

(to help you fiddle taking into account the CSS to everything works best for your blog posts)

  • float: left; - the slip hat is floated to the left to make a clean breast additional text to wrap concerning it.
  • font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; - specifies the font for the slip hat. You can regulate to the type of font that you considering by getting ideas more or less the various fonts from W3Schools. If this font-intimates property is omitted in the code, subsequently the drop hat will follow the default font you've set for your blog's posts.
  • font size: 70px; - sets the font size to 70px. Change the px value as you objective: the larger the number, the larger the size of font.
  • font-weight: bold; - self-explanatory. Omit this if you'd rather the font be conventional.
  • font-style: italic; - self-explanatory. Omit this if you dream.
  • color: red; - defines the font color as red. The color can be specified by color reveal, rgb value or hex value. More color choices here.
  • heritage-summit: 50px; - sets the pedigree summit to 50px, fine-setting the value as you twist.
  • margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; - sets the four margins as regards the fade away hat, where the first value is for the severity margin and followed by right, bottom and left margin respectively.
  • padding: 5px; - sets the padding something later than the letter as 5px. Include this property if the slip hat has a background color, taking into account the value distorted as you objective.
  • background-color: lightgrey; - self-explanatory. Exclude this property if you don't deficiency it.
  • text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #9966ff; - sets a shadow for the slip hat where the first value is for the shadow's horizontal length, the second is for its vertical peak and the third defines the blur isolate, benefit an optional color. If no color value is indicated, a shadow is created using the color of the font.
  • viewpoint: relative; - specifies the type of positioning.

Some examples of easy drop caps and their CSS codes

( to pro you toting occurring more or less the variables you can apply to make your own styles. )

1. Apple Chancery

2. Georgia

3. Comic Sans MS

Go regarding... plan it out... be creative and have fun!


I was made familiar that certain cursive fonts are not supported by the IE browser. You may painful sensation to evaluate the Code Style site to learn about the common fonts for CSS font-intimates properties.

This superb online university that provides set clear HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, ASP, PHP, SQL tutorials bearing in mind lots of involved examples and source code, has helped (yet does) and enriched me consequently much in my group for knowledge and enabled me to pension what I've studious here.


Code Source



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