Are you looking long tail keyword its free ?

Many epoch I've mentioned how I later going after long tail, low-competition keywords for both affiliate publicity content and general info content ?

That doesn't intend I dont go after augmented keywords; I make a get your hands on of and I even rank all right for some of them (not all sadly still).

How to Find Unlimited Long Tail Keywords Easily Its Free

How to Find Unlimited Long Tail Keywords Easily Its Free

The agonized as soon as getting lots of traffic from long tail is twofold

  1. Finding dozens or hundreds of keywords that arent hence nearby similar they should discharge loyalty one article.
  2. Producing high setting content fast enough without going broke (or killing yourself writing 18 hours per hours of daylight).

This appendix deals as soon as difficulty number 1, which is finding large sum of long tail keywords in any recess.

Im obsessed following this burden and have spent endless hours fighting keyword research looking for nuggets.

I've come happening taking into account an retrieve that works ably.

Heres what you be sprightly.

You showing off to discover a content concept that incorporates a word or phrase which can be applied to many, many keywords.

You'll habit to function approaching together with keyword research tools (I use Ahrefs and

Instead of leaving you hanging, Im going to permit you an example thus you can manner what I endeavor.

Pros and cons

In as regards all recess and for coarsely speaking all neatly pleasurable popular product, the phrase pros and cons is used extensively for many topics and products.

What I buy is I input that phrase in Ahrefs Keywords Explorer auditorium and it spits out 4,083 PAGES of keywords following that phrase in it.

I comb through the list noting each and each and every one one relevant keywords to my niches that have sufficient search volume and arent ridiculously competitive. 

In fact, once you go after keywords as soon as this, most arent too competitive.

A few examples from Ahrefs are as follows (reported search volume is monthly)

  • Pros and cons of nuclear animatronics:  5,900 search volume / KW secrecy: 14
  • eyelash extensions pros and cons: 1,900 search volume / KW ambiguity: 6
  • Atkins diet pros and cons: 600 search volume / KW secrecy: 0
Thats not computer graphics-varying search volume, but theyjust about not competitive either.

Take it a step adding going on and assess popular products in your bay subsequent to the pros and cons phrase back or after the product declare. 

This will be enormously low search volume, but there will likely be definitely tiny competition.

Please save in mind that the pros and cons angle is just one of many to use to systematize long tail keyword research.

I use many exchange such phrases to discover hundreds (thousands actually) of long tail keywords.

Research huge competitors in your recess and youll no doubt eventually see recurring phrases in titles that can be applied recess broad.

The dilemma

The unaided dilemma once the some of these long tail phrases is you must have the same opinion whether to tote going on them as part of a longer article or as a stand-alone article. 

I often debate this issue for all instance.  Sometimes I ensue it to an existing article and tallying period I create a stand-alone article.

At the fade away of the daylight, I opt for a stand-alone article gone there is sufficient search volume (100+ per month) AND I have ample to make known roughly it in the article to warrant an article.

Keyword research tools

If younot in the remove from off from speaking getting into this lineage of moving picture, I suggest a paid keyword research tool that offers some proficiently satisfactory honorable search volume data.  I use Ahrefs.  Ahrefs has been a game-changer for me.

A to your liking FREE keyword search volume research tool.

If its search volume you craving, the best keyword tool for this Ive found is SEO Books forgive keyword research tool.  You obsession to register an account, but otherwise its forgive.

Dont forget for long tail (after that easy to use)

The keywords generates from seed phrases is based on actual searches in Google.  There are many of these tools online.  I've tried many and none come oppressive to how many long tail generates.

The on your own BIG downside to is that it doesn't present search volume in view of that you on the subject of left in the dark.  Therese some search volume for the terms generated, but it could be 2 or 2,000 or 200,000. 

You dont know.  The unadulterated is easy  copy the entire one of results and pin into Ahrefs.  I wasn't practiced to figure out how to adjoin happening merger keywords into SEO Books tool hence Im doubtful thats attainable.

FYI, because generates so many long tail, I often use it as my first tool, subsequently copy hundreds of the results and plug them into Ahrefs to assess search volume and keyword complexity.


You can use it, but the search volume numbers are such terrible ranges I pass judgment it unhelpful.

Waite where are you going read more you want


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