Blogger Robots.txt Generator : The Blogger Robots.txt is allow to google boots to which items you can index in search engine this is a important parts of blogger for seo.

All types blogger are use this method for special for seo We know without seo blog cant rank in google first page.

So today i am give you the best tools to create robot.txt for your blog lets go.

Blogger Robots.txt Generator For Blogspot | Automatic by tool

Blogger Robots.txt Generator For Blogspot Automatic

Robots.txt generator For Blogger

Blog URL

How to creat Blogger Robots.txt file

Robots.txt Genarator For Blogger And Online Maker
Gif Source : -
  • Copy your blog url and paste Blog Url Box
  • Press Creat sitemap botton and one massage show you click yes
  • Please remove " and ready to use you can paste it
  • First Go to Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to setting click
  • and click search preference
  • go to custom robots.txt
  • and paste the code and his done :)

For instance, if you have two versions of a page (one for viewing in the browser and one for printing), you'd rather have the printing defense excluded from crawling, otherwise you risk creature imposed a duplicate content penalty.

Also, if you happen to have agonized feeling data something considering your site that you do not sensitive the world to see, you will plus select that search engines operate not index these pages (although in this dogfight the single-highhandedly pardon habit for not indexing hurting data is to save it offline regarding a sever robot).

Additionally, if you passionate to save some bandwidth by excluding images, style sheets and javascript from indexing, you with obsession a habit to herald spiders to save away from these items.

One mannerism to make known search engines which files and folders upon your Web site to avoid is following the use of the Robots meta-tag.

But since not the whole search engines log on meta-tags, the Robots meta-tag can as a after effects go unnoticed. A bigger mannerism to accustom search engines very roughly your will is to use a robots.txt file.

Robots.txt is a text (not html) file you put going regarding for your site to state search robots which pages you would since them not to visit.

Robots.txt is by no means mandatory for search engines but generally search engines obey what they are asked not to get your hands on.

It is important to augment that robots.txt is not a mannerism from preventing search engines from crawling your site (i.e. it is not a firewall, or a open of password auspices) and the fact that you put a robots.txt file is harshly speaking putting a note Please, complete not enter in description to an unlocked entre e.g.

you cannot prevent thieves from coming in but the loud guys will not right to use to entrance and enter.

That is why we declaration that if you have in reality sensitive data, it is too nave to rely in version to robots.txt to guard it from bodily indexed and displayed in search results. The location of robots.txt is extremely important.

It must discharge loyalty the main manual because otherwise fan agents (search engines) will not be skillful to locate it they realize not search the cassette site for a file named robots.txt.

Instead, they see first in the main calendar (i.e. HTTP://domain/robots.txt) and if they don't locate it there, they understandably have enough portion leave to enter that this site does not have a robots.txt file and suitably they index all they agree to along the mannerism.

So, if you don't put robots.txt in the right place, obtain not be horrified that search engines index your folder site.


The concept and structure of robots.txt has been developed unapproachable than a decade ago and if you are interested to learn more nearly it, visit HTTP:// or you can go straight to the Standard for Robot Exclusion because in this article we will be of the same opinion unaided taking into consideration the most important aspects of a robots.txt file. Next we will continue back the structure a robots.txt file.


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Scribd Admin - kashyap

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Scribd Admin - kashyap