Due to lack of nutritious elements in today's lifestyle, most women are suffering from the problem of lukoriya i.e. white water fall. But this problem does not quickly tell anyone and sticks to this disease.

Home remedies for White Discharge (leukorrhea) solution for women

This disease greatly damages women. Regular consumption of some home remedies along with regular diet for getting rid of this disease is very beneficial. This problem is very helpful in getting rid of this problem.

Due to having white water (leukorrhoea) Excessive fasting, provoking fantasies, using inverted rugs in relation, creating excessive frictional trauma during the relationship, creating relationships with the disease-stricken men, ignoring the cleanliness of private parts after making the connection, staying dirty Etc. are the main causes of this disease. Apart from this, it is also due to repeated abortions.

Let's know the home remedies for removing white water (leukorrhea)


 Amla is very helpful to overcome the problem of going white water. For this, dry the amla and grind it thoroughly and make powder. Now take this powder with about 3 grams of water in the morning and evening. Regular consumption of it leads to the problem of going white water in a few days.


 Grind dry strawberry beans and make powder by grinding them. Now take this powder with honey in the amount of about 3 to 4 grams every morning and evening. Regular consumption of white water leads to the liberation of leukorrhea.


 Grind the coconut and make the powder. Now taking this powder with 3 grams of buttermilk in the amount of buttermilk gets rid of the problem of going white water.

Ripe bananas 

 Drinking two rip bananas with sugar for a few days, regularly drinking white water means that the problem of leukorrhea is relieved.

Rose flower 

 Make the powder by grinding the rose flowers dry in the shade and grind them. Now take this powder in the amount of 3 grams daily with milk in the morning and evening. Regular consumption of it leads to the problem of going white water in a few days.

At the end

Home remedies for White Discharge (leukorrhea) solution for women. we all know this problem but in this post i am added best solution for treatment in home so thank you and keep visiting.


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