There is three aspect Economic aspects, Cultural and Social, aspects Political aspects role railway in economic development.

role of railways in economic development

role of railways in economic development

Economical aspects:-

Due to railways, the industrial development in for off places is possible, increasing the land values & standard of living of the people.

The mobility of labor has contributed to industrial development. During famines, railways have played the vital role in transporting food & clothing to the affected areas.

 Commercial farming is very much helped by the railway network throughout the country. Speed movement of the commodities is possible through railways.

role of railways in economic development

Cultural & Social aspects:-

Railway has made it easier to reach places of religious importance.

Railway provides a convenient & safe mode of transport throughout the country.

 During travel as people of different caste & religions sit together the interaction is developed.

Political aspects:-

Railway has helped in the mass migration of the population.

Railway has created the sense of unity among the people of different religions, areas, castes & traditions.

With the adequate network of railways, the central the administration has become easy & effective.

role of railways in economic development


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