T he Tacheometry definition tachometry or telemetry is a branch of angular surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by optical means as opposed to the ordinary slower process of measurements by tape or chain.

tacheometer definition | Principle tacheometer
source:- google

tacheometry definition | Principle tacheometer Principle of tacheometry 

The principle of tacheometry is based on the property of isosceles triangles, where the ratio of the distance of the base from apex and length of the base is always constant.

tacheometry definition | Principle tacheometer Principle of tacheometry

D1/S1=D2/S2=D3/S3=f/I (multiplying constant)
F= focal length of object and
 i= stadia intercept
also read:-   Measurement of horizontal angles theodolite by method of repetition

tacheometry definition Principle tacheometer Principle of tacheometry


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