In the beginning, the rails used were double headed(D.H) of a dumb-bell section. The idea behind using of these rails was that when the head was worn out in course of time, the rail can be inverted or reused types of rails in Indian railways.

types of rails in Indian railways

types of rails in indian railways

But the experience shows that such indentation is formed in the lower table due to which smooth running over that surface at the top was impossible.

types of rails in Indian Railways:- 

• Double-headed rails(D.H Rails)
• Bullheaded rails(B.H rails)
• Flat footed rails(F.F rails)

Double-headed rails (D.H.Rails)
types of rails in indian railways
Dumb-bell section. Designed to use from both sides But experience showed that such indentations were formed in the lower table due to which smooth running over the surface at the top was impossible.

Bullheaded rails
types of rails in indian railways
Head was made a little thicker and stronger than the lower part by adding more metal to it so that even after wear, it can withstand the stresses.

Flat footed rails

types of rails in indian railways
These rails are also known as “Vignoles” rail after the name of the inventor.  Initially, the flat-footed rails were fixed to the sleepers directly and no chairs and keys were required. Later under heavy loads, the foot was found sinking in the wooden sleeper. Requires steel bearing plate for load distribution. Most commonly used in India.


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