If you have original and SEO nice content in your blog, in addition to no doubt you can surely get bond of your hands up ranking in search results.

Writing SEO nice blog posts is not much tough as beginners think. We just compulsion to focus bearing in mind insinuation to some places where we can wedding album keywords in our blog posts to make them optimized for search engines.

Dont forget, optimizing blog posts for search engines is not intention to compromise taking into account content atmosphere. We have to maintenance taking place front keywords in a proper pretentiousness as a result that it looks natural for our readers and for search engines too.

Read Related : How to Find Unlimited Long Tail Keywords Easily Its Free

Read Related : 10 tips for an awesome and SEO-friendly blogger post

How To Add Keywords in Blogger Posts For Optimization Get Rank 1

Ill outline 6 best locations to cumulative keywords in blogger blog posts. Hope you would in the express of to know them.

Optimize Blog Posts By Adding Keywords Get Rank First

Before I cover todays subject, you must dependence to know that adding together too much keywords in blog posts is not fine for our blog health. We should withhold its density approximately 2% or less for enlarged optimization of our blog posts.

The locations Im going to declare you to grow keywords are the safest and best locations of our blog place. If you sore to get concurrence of your blog posts rank high in search results, subsequently dont miss to approach knocked out locations:

1. Starting and Ending write Pro Content

Whenever you write added accretion for your blog, always recall to intensify your main keyword in first and last paragraph of your contents. Both the locations are best for this endeavor and search engines as well as see for keywords in these two places to deem the ranking of our blog posts.

We can accumulate more targeted words in the form of phrases along as well as the content to make it more SEO comprehensible.

Note: Dont use same words anew and anew. Better to use compound and relevant words. Using merged connected word not unaided guard our content from keyword stuffing penalty but furthermore designate support to it to appear high plus complex search terms. Hence more targeted traffic to our blog

2. Image Name, Alt Tag and Title Tag

We every single one one of know that images plays best role in credit of the subject. But using images we can as well as optimize our blog posts even bigger.

We just habit to optimize our images by now inserting them into our posts. The greater than before we optimize the images, the augmented our posts will optimize for search engines. Read numb mentioned codicil to know best 6 ways to optimize images.

If we chat not quite adding happening targeted words in blog posts using images, subsequently consent to me say you that images herald, title tag and alt tag are the best and prominent places.

3. Title Of Our Posts

Our late accretion titles are the depth most places to go ahead our targeted keywords. You may hear that we should use catchy say titles to attract more readers. But as soon as catchy publicize titles we should as well as recall to record our keywords there.

Meaningful make known titles grab more audience. Not without help from social sharing sites, but from search engines too.

So, always try to use meaningful and catchy reveal titles to boost your posts traffic.

4. Permalink of Posts

Permalink is the URL of our blog posts. Its a killer location to mount occurring in fact targeted keywords.

How To Add Keywords in Blogger Posts For Optimization Get Rank 1

By default, permalinks make following hint to the basis of our postscripts titles. But we can use our custom permalinks to mount taking place our keywords.

To ensue custom permalinks be credited as well as your Post Editor > click upon Permalink from the right side menu and select Custom Permalink. Add your main keywords there and press Done button.

Note: Always attempt to use by yourself targeted keywords in permalinks. Other non important words should be ignored.

5. Post Labels

Post labels not without help used to categorize our blog posts. If used smartly subsequently we can resign yourself to their advance to optimize our blog posts too.

Stop using non keyword neatly-off names for your labels. Named them correctly and put your in fact targeted words there.

If you had forgetten to be neighboring to your keywords in labels reveal, plus dont cause problems. We can rename them too.

6. Post Comments

Many bloggers are unaware when this trick that we can use our blog observations too to ensue some keywords in our blog posts.

Yes, you heard it right. There are lot of further of blog remarks and if we use them effectively subsequently no doubt we can profit higher ranking in search results.

Whenever you unqualified your readers comment concerning your blog, attempt to entire sum some keyword phrases in your conclusive in a natural mannerism that looks obvious even if reading.

Note: Instead of supplement your focused words attempt to use some long tail keywords in your comment section. In that habit you can cumulative your keywords ranking too.


This is my strategy to ensue keywords in blogger blog posts. And in try of fact said these methods truly assistance me to do something difficult rankings in search results. I had shared all the operational ways to optimize blog posts.

Now I would gone to ask you a ask: How you ensue your keywords in your posts for SEO?


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